Destiny Gold Chest locations - Earth, Moon, Mars, Venus - found in all corners of 'Destiny' world

Need help in finding all the gold chest locations in Destiny?

The latest and hottest online first-person shooter game set in an alternative sci-fi open world offers different kinds of loot chests in different locations across the mythical universe. These loot chests come in various appearances, and are tucked away randomly in hidden areas located in the four main worlds.

Players can collect all the 20 Gold Loot Chests hidden by fives in each world featured in the game.

Here is the guide where the hidden Gold Loot Chests can be found:


  1. Turn right and walk straight ahead at the beginning of the Restoration mission to find the first chest located on top of a desk.
  2. Coming from the location of the first Gold Chest, turn toward the western location near the river. The second chest can be seen near the coast.
  3. Find the third Gold Chest inside the cave located near the Forgotten Shore to the Mothyards.
  4. Head toward the crates located on the left side of the room either at the end or during the combat with the Wizard inside the Lunar Complex while doing The Dark Within to find the fourth Gold Chest.
  5. The fifth Gold Chest is the most difficult to find. It can be seen under the raised platforms during the battle at the Sepiks Prime. However, players need to be cautious to stay alive.


  1. Players can find the first Gold Chest in the Moon after trekking toward the temple at the Hive and walking across the bridge that runs toward a ship nearby. The chest is just right under it.
  2. Find a large rock peeking on the left part of the road located near the Hellmouth and the Archer's Line. The second Gold Chest is located across it.
  3. Trek on top of the hill located directly in front of the spawn point at the Archer's Line near the spot where the second Gold Chest was located. Walk straight toward the dome located nearby and head toward the Hive Fortress once the right location had been discovered. The third chest will be seen in a cave.
  4. During or at the end of the World's Grave event under the Destiny campaign, the fourth Gold Chest can be easily seen. Players just have to head toward the entrance of the room while on top of the platform where the Ghost can search the area over the Grave.
  5. During the battle between Phogoth at the Summoning Pits at the Hive, walk toward the lowest platform located inside the room. The fifth Gold Chest can be seen in between the two stair cases.


  1. Head toward the Scablands from the Barrens where a Cabal outpost filled with heavily-armored foes can be seen. Look over the top of the crates piled all over the area for the first Gold Chest.
  2. Coming from the Barrens, move towards the Hollows. An explorable opening located in the ground near the downtown location can lead the way to the place where the Gold Chest can be seen.
  3. The third Gold Chest can be seen in the Dust Palace at the back of a desk located inside the room behind door number 3.
  4. Find the fourth Gold Chest inside the Legion's Keep located at the Iron Line. Once the entrance to the keep has been reached, walk toward the walkway located on the left side and jump over the scattered pipes seen at the corner side of the room. Look at the upper portion of the walkway to reach the chest.
  5. Inside the Tharsis Junction, find a Vex gate located at the back of a train. Walk toward a small room where the last Gold Chest can be seen.


  1. Find the first chest on Venus between Ishtar Academy and the Shattered Coast. It can be easily seen if the players would look toward a U-shaped tunnel leading to the underground. The chest is seen on the right side of the tunnel near one of the pillars.
  2. The second Gold Chest can be seen on Campus 9 behind the very first building that the players will see. Walk to the large orange building, then follow the catwalk outside the building and get the chest at the end of it.
  3. Players can get the third Gold Chest on top of a balcony at the central cavern in the Winter's Lair.
  4. Climb toward the Ketch then go right behind the ship. Discover the fourth Gold Chest on the exterior of the ship.
  5. Walk toward the Ishtar Commons located at the N/Gen Branch and move into the foremost enclosed office building then look through the cubicles located inside to get the last Gold Chest in this world.