'Destiny' patch update:Death Race 2015 and more weapons


After Bungie released the Crota's Raid update, which includes tons of weapons and other new features, the game developer will give the first person shooter another patch which will include lots of goodies for console gamers to enjoy. As part of the update, Bungie will be making the gameplay of "Destiny" far more challenging than ever before. This challenge will be in the form of the Death Race 2015, which, in short, is the hard mode for Crota's End. 

One perk of playing in the Hard Mode is this is the only place where players will be able to obtain the Crux of Crota. "Destiny" players will immediately know the significance of this piece since it is the final one that players need to upgrade the Eidolon Ally.

The mode will also feature a new lineup of weapons in the arsenal that can only accessed through the new difficulty. Since the weapons exhibit firepower that is congruent to the difficulty mode itself, players using weapons such as the Abyss Defiant (auto rifle), the Fant of Ir Yut, (scout rifle), Oversoul Edict, (pulse rifle) or the Word of Crota (hand cannon) will be able to inflict a Maximum Attack of 331. 

However, one prerequisite to this mode is, a gamer's avatar needs to be Level 33 or higher.

"Destiny" players who believe that they are up for the challenge can try Death Race 2015, accessible via the Director. It will commence on Jan. 21 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. The developing company has stated that there are chances the timetable would change but so far, no amendments have been made. 

Meanwhile, players are expected to receive the patch any time from today, although Bungie has yet to release a complete log for its patch.