'Destiny' Patch 1.1.2 update to come out before 'House of Wolves' DLC

Destiny Official website

Fresh from winning the Best Game of the Year award in this year's BAFTA British Academy Games Awards, and with the win being branded as an upset by some in the gaming community, developer Bungie promises to provide another upgrade to "Destiny" before the much-awaited "House of Wolves" DLC comes out. Patch 1.1.2, which Bungie Community Manager Deej said is "still weeks away," aims to improve gameplay, as well as provide fixes for raids and other issues.  

Bungie designer Luke Smith admitted that they made mistakes with the first expansion pack, "The Dark Below." For example, players who have completed the Vault of Glass couldn't use the loot they gained since it was already rendered as obsolete by other gears offered by in-game vendors. Also, the requirement for players to reset talents on their Exotic weapons failed. Another fault that Smith found to be aggravating to players is the Forever 29 bug, which causes players to get stuck at Level 29 because of the poor loot system. 

They plan on correcting these faults, though.

Said Smith on NeoGaf, "We will continue to improve acquisition stories and frequency (My understanding of the perception is that Crota's End drop rates are much improved vs. Vault of Glass), lessen the grind and get players to the fun parts of their arsenal faster."

The update will feature changes like expanding the size of the player's vaults. This widened vault space will be useful for players to store collected loot and treasures, and for gear that would most likely come out with "The House of Wolves" expansion pack. 

"The House of Wolves will be released sometime in the second quarter of this year," Deej said on Bungie's previous Weekly Update. "Sometime within those three months (April, May, and June), we'll have a new adventure to embark upon with you."