'Destiny: The Taken King' Xbox One problem: error fixed by Bungie

The Taken King DLCFacebook/Destiny

Developer Bungie celebrated the entry of its sci-fi futuristic shooter "Destiny" into its second year with a massive expansion. Its third DLC, dubbed "The Taken King," is said to be so huge that when it was launched early this week, its players were said to feel like they were playing a different game completely. 

However, although "The Taken King" had been a long time in the making, and with Bungie dedicating itself to its smooth release, there were still some issues that cropped up when it was launched. According to reports, some of the players experienced connection issues, and the glitches seemed to be console-specific since most of the reported concerns were from Xbox One and 360 players. Developer Bungie immediately acknowledged the glitches and, based on the later posts on its Help page, have managed to resolve player issues. 

In its Help page, Bungie laid out the different concerns specific to the Xbox One and 360, and also mentioned some workarounds in order for the game to work.

Xbox 360 players who purchased "The Taken King" digitally and have issues in the game launch are asked to clear the console cache, restore the console licenses, and to launch the game again, this time from the Xbox Marketplace (Xbox Dashboard -> Games -> My Games -> Launch). 

For Xbox One consoles, players who are encountering launch concerns and missing in-game bonuses need to manually install parts of the Collector's Edition in order to receive the missing items. 

Meanwhile, a more specific glitch, with error code 80070057, was resolved by Bungie directing a resolution together with Microsoft. The solution for this particular error seemed to be much more complex as players who encountered the error were asked to contact Xbox Support directly for the resolution.