'Destiny: The Taken King': Bungie showcases new additions to game features

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In today's livestream session hosted by Bungie, the game company revealed a lot of major changes that they will implement on "Destiny" via their upcoming expansion pack, "The Taken King."  

The stream, which was presented by the game's creative director Mark Noseworthy, design team leader Tyson Green, as well as the game's community managers DeeJ and Cozmo, talked about the new additions to the features that the soon-to-be released downloadable content will bring. 

"The Taken King" is said to be the largest expansion pack that Bungie has developed for the best selling action first-person shooter game. Here are some of the major changes that will come with the DLC: 

  • Added levels - One of the changes that was revealed during the livestream update is the increase in the game's leveling system. In the current gameplay of "Destiny," players can only reach Level 20. This can be a problem for players since the effectiveness of their characters are tied to their armor, which gets its powers based on the level that they have managed to achieve. With the release of "The Taken King," the game will have a maximum of 40 levels that players can reach by completing different challenges. 
  • Simplified currencies and reputations – To make the players' lives less complicated, the Vanguard and Crucible Marks currencies that are used to purchase the best weapons and armors are now combined into a single currency that will now be called Legendary Marks. 
  • More Vault space opened – This is probably one of the best improvements that Bungie will add to the game. Players had been demanding for more vault space for quite a while already, since they need to have spare space to store their accumulated items in the game. With the release of the game's update and expansion pack next month, the vault spaces will finally have twice its present capacity which has the capacity to hold 72 weapons and 72 armors. 
  • Character boosting feature introduced – Those who will availed the upcoming expansion pack will received the brand-new "Spark of Light," which aims to upgrade the character level to level 25 and deck them with appropriate gears. 

More details are expected to be revealed in the next two livestream sessions that will be held on Aug. 26 and Sept. 2.

"Destiny: The Taken King" will be released on Sept. 15 to signify the beginning of the game's Year Two.