'Destiny' news: weapons rebalance update coming to game

Bungie blog

Developer Bungie first introduced a weapons update early in the year, bringing down some stats for some of the items in the Guardians' arsenal. Seeing a rise in more players favoring particular weapons for multiplayer matches this time, the company behind the successful space-age futuristic multiplayer shooter "Destiny" will again be bringing a weapons rebalance update. 

According to Bungie, the "Destiny Weapon Tuning 2.0," as the update is called, is a long time in the making, and the company feels that the time is right for the patch to roll out. Writing in the official company blog, Sandbox Designer Jon Weisnewski also said that the update is a result of player feedbacks that the development team received over the course of the months after the first update.

He stated, "We heard your voices and we felt your pain, but plucking a few meatballs out of this massive plate of spaghetti proved to be very risky." 

Weisnewski also added that the follow-up update will be a full one, saying, "These changes are all very dependent upon each other to be successful, and after careful consideration we decided the best road ahead was to present them all together as a full update." 

When the roll out happens, most of the cache of weapons available to "Destiny" players will be touched, and some favorites will be rebalanced. Most notable among the changes is the tuning down of several Exotic weapons, chief among them Thorn and Gjallarhorn. Bungie admitted that looking at the current specs of Gjallarhorn, the rocket launcher is so powerful that some matches readily exclude players who don't own one, and one player in a team who brings in the weapon is sure to have a huge advantage in the fight. This time, though, the Gjallarhorn will be tuned down – its damage for the cluster bombs and Wolfpack rounds will be greatly reduced.