'Destiny' Xur location and items this weekend: Where is the Agent of the Nine?


Another weekend will pass, and for hardcore "Destiny" players, this means checking out what trader Xur has in store for them.

According to the latest post on developer Bungie's Reddit thread, the Agent of the Nine can be located in the north Tower, near the speaker.

As a frequent trader for different items, Xur can be found almost every weekend in the areas. However, instead of the same items that some NPCs carry, Xur always carries some rare and sometimes Exotic items and weapons in his inventory.

To summarize the inventory of the Agent of the Nine, the thread even described Xur as "...the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal."

For this weekend, Xur brings to the table a collection of Exotic gears and different in-game items. The items themselves are a curious bunch, since they are a mixture of consumable and vehicle upgrade materials, unlike previous instances where Xur's inventories consisted of rare in-game bonuses. The current selection listed vehicle upgrades like Emerald Coil and Stealth Drive, as well as consumables like Heavy Ammo Synthesis and a set of Three of Coins. There is also Glass Needles mixed in as well.

As for the weapons and gears list, the Exotic in-game bonuses that players can take advantage of include Immolation Fists, gauntlet pairs for Titans, Radiance Dance Machines, leg armor for Hunters, and The Stag, which is a helmet piece for Warlock. A Suros Regime auto rifle is also up for purchase for 23 SC, and a special weapon engram, Legacy Engram, is also available for 31 SC.

According to Independent, this weekend's offerings will most likely focus on The Stag, since the helmet is a fan favorite among the Warlock subclass. The Suros Regime auto rifle will also probably be one of the best buys for this period, as it is a decent-stats weapon and also popular among "Destiny" players.