Detroit Pistons trade news 2015: Morris twins could reunite in the Windy City

Markieff (L) and Marcus Morris (R)Reuters

If you think the whole Markieff Morris drama is over, then you have another thing coming.

While it is true that Morris did say that he would be staying put in Phoenix, all that could change in the coming months. For how can a team cling on to a player who is unhappy?

Of course, there is a chance that Morris could eventually mend ties with the Suns, but what is the batting average for such a scenario in the world of sports?

Morris made headlines when he made that infamous trade rant, something that cost him a hefty $10,000 fine by the National Basketball Association (NBA). Everything is quiet as we speak, but the question is for how long? Will Morris be the same player that endeared him to the Suns?

One team that could do well to instigate a trade are the Detroit Pistons. This is the same team that now hold the rights to Markieff's twin brother Marcus. Reuniting them could be a possibility, seeing that the two have made known their preference to play by each other's side.

But for the Pistons to come close to obtaining Markieff, it may come with a price. Assets will have to be moved for it to happen; apparently, seeing that the Pistons didn't make a real move in the offseason, they don't have such for now.

All that could change in the coming months however. It could happen by December or even by February of next year. Anything is possible in the NBA nowadays, and it all involves settling everything at the right price.

For now, Markieff will have to earn his keep with the Suns, whether he is sincere or not about wanting to stay. Not too many are convinced he truly wants to remain a Sun, having aired preferences of perhaps joining the Houston Rockets or even the Toronto Raptors.

With that in mind, why not the Detroit Pistons?