Did the Colts make adjustments against the Patriots?

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Setting aside the celebrated deflated football issue which seems to be getting pretty serious as we speak, let us assume that the game was made on even ground. If so, did the Colts change their battle plan when they faced off against the mighty Patriots?

For some, there was minimal to none. One even went on to say that the executed plays were reminiscent of previous matches between the two clubs. What gives?

Both teams have met four times and each showed the same result – a blowout victory by the New England Patriots. But with the season on the line, would the outcome at least become closer had the Indianapolis coaching staff tweaked some of their plays against the heavily favored Patriots?

Such questions are now up in the air. And with underinflated footballs on the side, could the outcome have been different and in favor of the Colts had they changed their master plan?

Apparently many believe that it would have been a lot closer. The passing game of the Colts was distraught and they got clobbered by the Patriot defense.

"They did the same things they did last time," Colts safety Mike Adams said of the New England offense via the Indy Star.

"It was pretty much the same game plan as last time," Colts receiver T.Y. Hilton said of the New England defense.

So given that the Patriots used the same old plays once more, it is interesting to note why the Colts did not make the necessary adjustments on their defensive end. Were they expecting something new?

Of course it would be a different story if the Colts were simply just going through the motion of finishing the match. But at this stage, winning time, necessary adjustments and preparations are a must. So now it makes you wonder of what could have been. Well, too late for that now.