Did the Department of Human Services try to probe the Duggar household?

Did the Duggar family from '19 Kids and Counting' really refuse entry for the Department of Human Services?Facebook: Duggar Family Official

In light of the Josh Duggar scandal that rocked the Christian family from "19 Kids and Counting," the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) reportedly went to investigate the Duggar household but its representative was prevented to see the child the department was concerned about.

According to InTouch Weekly, the same publication that exposed Josh's child molestation raps from years back, the Duggars are now being investigated again after receiving an anonymous call for child abuse maltreatment laws.

When the Washington County DHS employee went to inspect, he was refused entry, prompting him to report the matter to 911. He told the 911 operator: "We have an investigation and I guess they're not being cooperative. We have to see the child to make sure the child is all right. So we just need police assistance."

The DHS neither confirmed nor denied the veracity of this report, especially since its records are not available to the public. "All child maltreatment investigations in Arkansas are confidential by law," DHS director of communications Amy Webb explained.

The Duggars reportedly have had a history of issues with the DHS. A 2006 police report showed that patriarch Jim Bob refused to bring his 18-year-old son Josh to be interviewed by police. In 2007, Josh reportedly hired a lawyer and sued the DHS.

When sought for comment about the incident, TLC Network, which aired "19 Kids and Counting," said they have "no comment."

The alleged investigation also occurred before Jim Bob, Michelle, and their daughters Jill and Jessa went on "The Kelly File" and spoke to Fox news anchor Megyn Kelly about Josh's troubled past.

Jim Bob and Michelle revealed that they implemented "safeguards" in their home after Josh confessed to touching his younger sisters inappropriately.

Jill and Jessa, on the other hand, said they are defending their brother and they have seen him change. The sisters added that the whole family has moved on from the issue and they hope that others would follow as well.