Diocese of London to Launch Lent Appeal to Eradicate Modern-Day Slavery

|PIC1|2007 marks the bicentenary of the abolition of the Slave Trade Act. According to the UN there are now at least five times as many slaves as there were in William Wilberforce's day, a Westminster Abbey release has told Christian Today.

The Diocese of London is now launching its Lent Appeal, and will aim to raise £250,000 to set enslaved people free.

The campaign seeks an end to slavery in all its forms, to proclaim freedom for those imprisoned by poverty, and to release the oppressed.

The launch of the appeal will take place next to the monument to William Wilberforce at Westminster Abbey, at 14.00 on 8 January.

The appeal is set to be launched by the Bishop of London. The Bishops of Willesden and Edmonton will also attend, along with representatives from Tearfund, Christian Aid, and the Mother's Union.

For further information www.london.anglican.org/LentAppeal