DirectX 12 graphical updates for 'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt,' 'Batman: Arkham Knight' coming

[Photo credit: Microsoft]

There is always something to look forward to when PC gaming is concerned, particularly on the graphics side of things. Microsoft's upcoming graphical API, DirectX 12, will provide improved visuals and upgraded performance for two of the most anticipated titles of 2015: "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" and "Batman: Arkham Knight." According to Game Debate, information concerning the API update was leaked by MSI, a popular PC motherboard and graphics card manufacturing company. 

The company stated that several titles that are going to be released for the PC platform would be able to see a 50 percent boost in performance. In terms of visuals, "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" and "Batman: Arkham Knight" will already be exuding impressive display elements, requiring PC gamers to be equipped with powerful hardware in order to enjoy steady frame rates at the highest visual setting enabled. With Microsoft's DirectX 12, gamers would not only be able to a view significant rise in performance but in image quality as well. 

MSI states that:

"The most exciting part of Windows 10 for gamers is the introduction of DirectX 12. You are likely to start seeing the benefits of the new graphics technology already in The Witcher 3, Batman: Arkham Knight and more games released later this year. Some CPU-bound games like MMO's are able get a performance bump of up to 50% according to Microsoft." 

Neither CD Projekt RED or Rocksteady, which are the developing studios for "Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" and "Batman: Arkham Knight," respectively, have not commented on the authenticity of this statement. Software giant Microsoft has yet to make a statement concerning these claims as well. If rumors do end up being true, then it will mean that PC gamers will be given a treat to immerse in, even those that are running mid-tier PC components. 

"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" is expected to be released on May 19 while "Batman: Arkham Knight" is slated for a June 23 release.