'Dishonored 2' cheats, tricks, tips: How to nullify fall damage while using Emily

A promotional image for "Dishonored 2."Facebook/dishonored

"Dishonored 2" is not exactly "Dark Souls III," so that means nobody is complaining about how difficult it is. Well, a game's difficulty has nothing to do with the need to get a leg up on the competition. Let's face it, gamers will use any advantage they have to win a game. If players have any tricks up their sleeves that can make a game easier, why not use it, right? So, without further ado, here are some of the niftiest tricks that can help players get through "Dishonored 2."

"Gunpoint" developer Tom Francis discovered that Emily has to ability to survive a long fall by nullifying the fall damage. And it's easy to do this. First, the player has to create a doppelganger in the spot where Emily is going to land. After that, simply jump at the decoy and Emily will perform a drop assassination on her doppelgänger.

This is actually a hilarious and ingenious way to use the doppelgänger ability. Well, it is a bit twisted. Use the decoy as a landing pad? Check. Slash its throat while landing on it? Check. Just don't forget to thank the doppelgänger for softening the landing. But what if Emily is too far from the ground to use her doppelgänger ability? Surprisingly, this trick is also useful mid-air.

Want to do some speedrunning? Then choose Emily and use this ability.

In other news, a number of players have actually finished the game without getting detected. That's quite impressive. And Redditor VladoBourne managed to do this on hard mode. Okay, give this guy a trophy already.

VladoBourne, whose real name happens to be Vlado Le, even took the time to share some tips that will help players accomplished this feat.

"It makes the game more challenging. And it offers a new perspective on what you can do. There's a lot of creative takedowns!" he told Kotaku.