'Dishonored 2' news: Co-creator Harvey Smith promises 'sublime tension'

"Dishonored 2" releases Nov. 11.Bethesda Softworks

"Dishonored 2" was announced by Bethesda back in 2015 but the first real footage of the game in action was only revealed during E3 last month. Speaking to GameCentral, series co-creator Harvey Smith revealed that the trailer barely scratched the surface of the game's true nature.

"There's a sublime tension to it," Smith explained. "You can get from the beginning of the game to the end without violence, and it's one of the things we're really happy with. It's one of the reasons that we put so much into the world. There's that layer of the world that's an adventure game layer, where you're just looking at this alternate reality."

Smith continued to explain that during E3 there is this expectation to put out a trailer that focuses on the violence, the action and explosions that would help market the game to its target audience but in doing so the trailer does not reveal the more quiet levels of tension that litter "Dishonored 2."

In comparison, he tells of his friend's mother who was 68-years old and was able to finish the first "Dishonored" game without ever getting into combat, hacking and sneaking her way through the scenarios. It was this type of intense gameplay that Smith wanted to get across but it would not sell as a very exciting trailer.

During the interview Smith also confirmed that a single playthrough would not be enough to see everything the game has to offer, mainly due to the fact that the game allows players to use either the first game's returning protagonist, Corvo, or the new character Emily. Even if they play with both characters, the game offers multiple routes to resolve a single obstacle or mission, guaranteeing complete freedom in how the player wants to finish the game.

"Dishonored 2" will be release this Nov. 11.