'Dishonored 2' release date delayed? What to know

Facebook courtesy of "Dishonored"

The latest rumor concerning "Dishonored 2" suggests that the game may already be behind schedule.

For this particular rumor, fans can head on over to the game's official Facebook page and they will quickly see a new photo with the title of the game and a supposed release date below it simply stating "2016."

On the surface, there's nothing newsworthy about the picture and what it contains, since "Dishonored 2" was always meant to be released next year, but the reason it is significant is because of what the picture doesn't say.

According to iDigital Times, when "Dishonored 2" was first announced, it was being tabbed for a spring 2016 release date. Now, fans are asking why the new photo seems to have omitted that curious little detail.

As of now, the game's publisher, Bethesda Softworks, has not issued any statement regarding a potential change in the release date; although if it has indeed been moved back, there may be some good reasons for such.

According to Segment Next, the move to drop spring from the release date may just be the company's way of protecting themselves from potential problems that could lead to the game being delayed in the future. The added flexibility they gain from not explicitly saying "Dishonored 2" will be coming out in the spring should give them some leeway should any problems arise.

The decision to possibly change the release date for "Dishonored 2" could also be a strategic one for Bethesda. A number of major releases are currently lined up for spring next year, including "Mirror's Edge Catalyst" and "Uncharted 4." By releasing the game a little bit later in the year, Bethesda is giving themselves an opportunity to showcase their game to a landscape that may be wide open at that time.

Until Bethesda says anything official, people can simply speculate about whether or not dropping spring actually means anything to "Dishonored 2's" timeline.