'Dishonored 2' release date, updates: more on themed missions and player choices in new trailer

A promotional image for "Dishonored 2"Arkane Studios, Bethesda Softworks

Developers at Arkane Studios and publisher Bethesda Softworks have released a brand new video featurette for "Dishonored 2," showcasing the epic themed missions that players will go through in the game, as well as the gravity of choices that makes each playthrough feel different than the last.

The developers first showcased some of the main missions that involve large set-pieces or unique systems that are not found in any other mission.

"We wanted to do classic 'Dishonored' missions where it's a highly defended location, it has its own character, it has its own nature, and you're going after a high-value target," explained creative director Harvey Smith. "But we also wanted to give them some sort of epic theming, either fictionally or game-mechanically, so that it created a completely memorable space to move around in," he went on to say.

The first example is the "Crack in the Slab" mission, where players must venture through a mansion to reach their objective, but the only way to get through it is to use a portable time-travel device. This will allow players to go warp back and forth to the past and present in order to get past guards or other obstacles.

Another shown example is a mission in the Dust District, where sand storms randomly sweep in and obscure both the player and the enemies' vision. In another mission, set in the Clockwork Mansion, the player needs to utilize switches and levers to change the layout of the mansion, comparable to a large Rubik's cube.

The fourth mission shown is set in the Royal Conservatory, a Victorian-era natural museum filled with taxidermied animals.

In the video, the developers also explained that they put a lot of emphasis on player choice. Players will be able to choose which character they'll want to play as, they'll choose whether to go in guns blazing, to sneak around and perform stealth kills, or to take different routes such as opting to go up over the roof or to approach by breaking through a window.

"Dishonored 2" is scheduled to roll out on Nov. 11.