'Doctor Who' season 10 renewal: Peter Capaldi wants a 'glamorous' game-for-anything companion

Clara in "Doctor Who" season 9BBC/Doctor Who/Facebook

The finale of "Doctor Who" season 9 "Hell Bent" left the Time Lord companionless. The episode that wrapped up what is believed to be another strong showing of the sci-fi series [Spoiler Alert!] had Clara return only as an unsuspecting waitress who has no idea who the Doctor was.

Now, it seems that the Time Lord will go on his missions alone but for some, the Doctor isn't the Doctor without a trusty companion always next to him. In fact, lead star Peter Capaldi already has an idea of what his new companion will look like hopefully for "Doctor Who" season 10.

The actor imagines that his new sidekick will be "someone who can run, scream and be quite glamorous – glamorous in any demanding situation," as he described during an interview with Radio Times.

He also believes that a lighthearted and fun companion will balance out with the Doctor's occasional brooding character. More than all that, Capaldi also has another request as the show finds him a new companion for "Doctor Who" season 10.

"With the best will in the world, I don't want a bloke, because I'm frightened that they'll give him all the action and I'll be standing around spouting scientific gobbledygook," Capaldi said, explaining his no-no's in looking for a companion.

The star fears that new male companion would be getting all the fun of punching and hitting and running while he is pushed to the sidelines. "And that would be awful. I want to chase the Zygons!" Capaldi further declared.

As Cinema Blend points out, there were at least three male companions to past Doctors. Majority of the cohorts of the Time Lord are females, though it is unclear if it will be that way for "Doctor Who" season 10.

With the companion position now vacant, the site says that it will be a great opportunity to shake things up with it. At the moment, there's no casting news involving Clara's replacement.