'Doctor Who' season 9 spoilers: Will the Time Lord save Clara or kill Davros first in episode 2?

Season 9 premiere of Doctor Who, featuring the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara (Jenna Coleman)Facebook/ DoctorWho

The premiere of "Doctor Who" season 9 began with an explosive cliffhanger, with the Time Lord (Peter Capaldi) getting separated from Clara (Jenna Coleman) and Missy (Michelle Gomez) when the Daleks vaporized them at the end of the episode. But can Doctor Who save the women in episode 2?

Based on the episode synopsis for "The Witch's Familiar," the Time Lord  may still be far from rescuing his female companion and one of his mortal enemies from captivity. The official synopsis for the episode posted by The Doctor Who site reads: 

Trapped and alone in a terrifying Dalek city, the Doctor is at the heart of an evil Empire: no sonic, no TARDIS, nobody to help. With his greatest temptation before him, can the Doctor resist?"

Because the Doctor refused to grant Davros' (Julian Bleach) request to save him as a child in episode 1, it seems like the Doctor's own appeal for the Daleks' creator to spare Clara's and Missy's lives will be ignored. This means that he has to act on his own if he still wants to see Clara back and face Missy once again to settle their conflict. 

The Doctor will also face a big dilemma in the upcoming episode, having to face a big temptation. According to earlier spoilers, the Time Lord will be given the chance to kill Davros as a child. If he grabs the opportunity, the entire Dalek species will never have the chance to exist. But could he really kill an innocent child even if he knows that he will cause a lot of deaths in the future? 

Meanwhile, fans of the long-running British sci-fi drama are already wondering about the fate of the show now that Coleman has revealed that she already shot her last scene for the series. The 29-year-old actress confirmed reports that she will no longer reprise her role as Clara after "Doctor Who" season 9 as she has accepted the role of Queen Victoria in the new ITV drama titled "Victoria." This will make "Doctor Who" companion-less in its next seasons, unless the network gives him another partner. 

"Doctor Who" season 9 episode 2 will air next Saturday, Sept. 26. 

Doctor Who season 9 episode 2