Does God want me to be a missionary?


Every human being in this world will, at some point, ask themselves "What is my purpose?" Unfortunately, there is no resource that can tell you what your purpose is, although there are leading questions that can help you figure that out.

For Christians, we also aren't always sure which direction we're headed to, and we often rely on prayer and God's guidance to determine our purpose. Nonetheless, we are sure that any calling from the Lord will be for His glory, and that includes living a life as a missionary. Are you being called to a life of missions? How will you know? Let's try to answer that here.

Did a verse touch your heart?

Isn't it amazing when you read Bible verses that talk about what you're currently feeling or thinking? I often experience that and I find myself always comforted by the scripture I've just read. This should be similar to what you feel once you read a verse or maybe something else that really touched your heart and made you think "Is God calling me to be a missionary?" That's a sign right there, but that's not enough to guarantee that God is indeed calling on your services.

Did God prepare you already?

God will not call on anyone who is not ready. Being a missionary is no easy job. You will possibly go to challenging or unfamiliar places to evangelize non-Christians. Not all places you will be assigned to will be safe. Sometimes, you will be asked to go on missions in places where there is a predominant religion already. There is always a safety risk.

But apart from this, you must be mentally and emotionally prepared as well. There will be people who will mock you, judge you, and worse, will threaten you. This is why God gradually prepares his missionaries without them realizing it. Part of the readiness is preparing your heart. Have you asked forgiveness for your sins? Have you repented? Is your faith solid? Do you completely understand God's holiness? If you said yes to this, then there's a good chance you're prepared.

Do you desire to join the mission?

Truth be told, if your heart doesn't desire to go on missions, then there's a good chance you're not being called to it. But if you do hear the calling, this may mean that your heart, too, desires to give your life in missions. And if you feel like you're prepared, your heart and mind will be ready to do the job for the glory of our loving Father. If you desire it, there's no guarantee needed, too. You don't even need to negotiate with the Lord. If you desire it and you're ready, you will go.

Did God present you with an opportunity?

In life, most often than not, we find ourselves waiting for the perfect opportunities that God has sent us our way. As Christians, we believe in God's perfect timing. So if your heart desires it, and you think you're ready, when an opportunity is in front of you, you can take this as God really telling you that it's time for you to be a missionary. As some would say, if the stars are all lined up, then take the chance.

If you want certainty apart from the answers to these questions, you can speak to others already in the field to hear their perspectives and do some research into the realities of missions.  But most importantly, you must pray about it. Praying for a couple of nights about it won't do. This is a lifelong decision, a huge sacrifice, and you must pray that God gives you the clarity you need to decide if this is the job you want to have. Prayer gives you comfort and when you do pray sincerely for this, watch out for God's answers. Hopefully, you'll know if He is really calling you to be a missionary.