Does time really heal all wounds?


The video of the euology of OKC Thunder coach Monty Williams, whose wife recently passed away in a tragic car accident, has been making the rounds online and turning hearts around for the good.

Williams showed nothing but peace and grace in his speech that can only come from a man who truly understands that God is sovereign and loving. In the midst of a terrible and unexplainable loss, his faith in God stands unwavering because he knows God makes all things work together for our good.


For those who have lost loved ones to the sting of death, people may have told you that time heals all wounds. As true as it is that time is crucial to mending the pain and sorrow that come with the loss of a loved one, many have fallen into the trap of thinking that just sucking up the sadness over time will heal the pain of loss. Time is a factor in the healing process, but there is so much more to that.

Time doesn't heal wounds, God does

Psalm 147:3 says, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Ultimately, it is the grace and love of God that remove the heartache that we experience from the loss of loved ones. Yes, time is important in receiving the comfort of God, but through God's spirit, we rejoice both in good times and bad.

Over seven years ago, I lost my mother to cancer. She was 41 years old when she passed. All that time I was grieving was the time that I understood that I needed the grace of God more than anything. More than understanding, more than answers, more than time, I needed God.

God heals wounds over time

By God's grace, we can experience the freedom from grief and hurt, but God doesn't let that process happen overnight. Missing people is important because it reminds us that God was faithful to have brought such people into our lives. But all things must come to an end so that we may allow the Lord to bring about new beginnings.

God uses time to heal wounds

Saying that time heals wounds is like saying that bypass surgeries save people from heart attacks. As technically correct as that is, we all know that procedures don't save people. Heart surgeons save people.

God uses the gift of time to allow the process of restoration to come upon us, and that time is still yet an extension of His grace to us. Because of God's love, He gives us time to grieve and time to rejoice.

Did you recently lose a loved one? How are you allowing God's grace to help you cope with the pain?