Dog lost in tornado [Photo]: Adoptive family returns Rosco to original owner


A dog lost in a tornado has been reunited with his owner despite being adopted by another family.

Rosco had strayed 45 miles away from his owner Kyla Robinson in Indiana after a tornado hit the region on November 17.

The 3-year-old boxer was found by the Clinton County Humane Society without identification, which was then put up for adoption after a while. After five days at the shelter, the dog was adopted.

When the Robinsons heard about Rosco's whereabouts, they found out he was already legally adopted by a new family.

Jim Tate, the director of Humane Society said, "We held the dog for five days, which is how long we hold them before we put them up for adoption. After five days, he goes out to the adoption floor. For the original owner, I totally understand that they want their dog back. ... I would want him back if he was mine. On the other side, the lady who adopted him said he is bonding with the family and is perfect for what she was looking for. It really is heart-wrenching for both sides."

The new family loved Rosco but reluctantly returned him to his original owner

"This lady does have a heart, and she was just thinking of her children too," said Robinson. "It's not her fault that Rosco went missing, and I am so thankful that she is giving Rosco back."