Donald Trump approval ratings 2017 update: Rating hits new low

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to supporters at a rally in Arizona.Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

It has been a year since Donald Trump shocked the world by winning the 2016 elections. While his approval rating has been quite constant for the majority of his first year, the ratings seem to be continually hitting new lows these past few months. Recently, it has hit another new low.

The Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll has recently reported that only 41 percent of the entire U.S. population approves of Trumps actions, as per The Hill. This is yet another dip from last month's rate at 42 percent and from September's 45 percent. Slowly, more U.S. citizens are starting to disapprove of the president's actions. Nevertheless, his approval rating numbers among the Republicans and those who have supported him remain high at 79 percent and 86 percent respectively.

In addition, recent ratings reflect that although Trump's supporters remain loyal to the President, they do not extend this toward the all Republicans, as the entire party has a low approval rate at 29 percent.

According to Newsweek, other polls that were conducted recently echo these low numbers for the President. The Gallup Poll shows only a 37 percent approval while the Quinnipiac Poll shows a 35 percent approval rating. The Real Clear Politics average, which includes these two major polls, shows a 37.9 percent approval rating between Oct. 26 to Nov.15

Although these numbers continue to show declining rates, Trump's social media posts indicate that he thinks the opposite is true. Last Tuesday, he shared a poll result on his Twitter showing a relatively high 46-percent approval rating. The poll was conducted by the Rasmussen Reports.

The President further said that most of the other major news agencies, which have displayed low poll results, are spreading fake news. In the Tweet, he also thinks that his actual numbers are in the 50's.