Donald Trump's 'political brilliance': Outsider beating seasoned politicians 'simply by being himself'

Donald Trump ‘is far more adept at modern-day politics than anybody in either party realise,’ according to well known US political commentator Rush Limbaugh.Reuters

For well-known American conservative radio host and political commentator Rush Limbaugh, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is one outstanding political figure.

In a national broadcast Tuesday, the veteran radio personality heavily praised the controversial business tycoon for accomplishing what even seasoned politicians could not do: leading voting preference polls in his first crack at politics.

"What he's doing is bordering on political brilliance," Limbaugh said, as quoted by

He also pointed out how Trump managed to eclipse his Republican opponents, who have already spent years in politics.

"In parlaying this outsider status of his, he's better at playing the insiders' game than they are, and they are insiders," Limbaugh said.

"He's running rings around all of these seasoned, lifelong, highly acclaimed professionals in both the consultant class, the adviser class, the strategist class, and the candidate class. And he's doing it simply by being himself," he added.

The famous radio talk show host added that even the Republican party may have underestimated Trump's political capability.

"He [Trump] is far more adept at modern-day politics than anybody in either party realise," Limbaugh continued.

He added that some people in the GOP establishment may not have considered Trump as a serious candidate at first.

"What is becoming apparent to them," Limbaugh explained, "is that Trump is serious, and he's far more serious than anybody in the establishment has ever acknowledged."

Limbaugh also came to Trump's defence after the Republican presidential hopeful recently blamed former President George W. Bush for the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.

The radio host said Trump may have only been trying to provoke his opponent and President Bush's brother, Jeb.

"What Trump was trying to do, what he succeeded in doing was tie Jeb to his brother, Bush to Bush, not in an incompetence way – maybe Trump meant that," Limbaugh said.

"I don't know – but what he was trying to do politically was to further the thought in people's minds that we don't need another Bush, for crying out loud. We got a Clinton over here, another Bush, we just had a Bush, we don't need another Bush, and he was trying to tie Jeb to Bush, in a way that was not positive, and Jeb took the bait," he added.