Dr Habecker, ABS President, on the task of making Bibles available to all

American Bible Society president Dr Habecker has a Ph D from the Michigan University besides honorary doctorates from eight colleges and universities.

He has written a couple of books on leadership. But his main business is to distribute the Bible, 'one of the great blessings bestowed by God on the children of men.' And he is zealous about his task convinced fully that it is not merely a book, but a transforming power.

His favourite Bible verse is: "Do not let this book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written on it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."(Joshua 1: 8) .

The ABS president passed through Delhi during his India visit to attend the graduation ceremony of the Emmanuel Theological Seminary in Kota.

He also addressed the staff of the Bible Society of India which is preparing to celebrate its bicentenary of existence. He also spoke to MPK Kutty on the work of the American Bible Society.

How do you explain the claim that the Bible is the most widely read book?

Ans: There are 135 Bible societies engaged in worldwide distribution of the book. In the seventies, Billy Graham, one of the great evangelists the world has ever seen, declared that the American Bible Society is the best evangelist in the world. In 2003 alone, bible societies distributed 550 million Bibles. Along with it consider the fact that the work of distribution has been going on for the past 200 years.

Should we not make a distinction between distribution and sale? Can you claim that the Bible holds the record in book sales as well?

Ans: Yes. In almost all cultures, there is this notion that we should not treat things of God as cheap and should make a payment in return for any benefit. Though Bibles are subsidized, a good part of the printed copies are sold through Bible societies spread throughout the world. It will be accurate to say that most of the Bibles are sold.

But there are countries in the world wherein Bibles are not allowed to be distributed. How do you overcome such resistance?

The situation has changed over the years. In Russia and China as well as in some other former communist nations Bibles were not being printed in the heydays of communism. But now many such countries have opened up for Bible distribution. We are glad to report that in the last decade over 30 million Bibles were printed in China with the permission of the government there.

What about Islamic nations?

We have an active Bible society in Egypt. Of course there are countries like Saudi Arabia where distribution is not possible. The internet sites, however, provide a channel for the broadcast of Bible verses and Gospel truths.

Are you sometimes overcome by despondence over the people of the world getting more and more materialistic with little time for reading the Word of Life? The world seems to care more for Harry Potter literature than for the light and wisdom of the Gospels?

Ans: Did not our Lord proclaim that His word will not return unto Him void but will accomplish that which He pleases? Did He also not say that He will build his Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it?

It is said that the missionaries, who went to foreign countries to spread the knowledge of the Gospel were also instrumental in development of languages in the third world and did yeoman service in spreading literacy and education among the oppressed peoples. Yet there are still masses remaining illiterate in many parts of the world. How do you propose to reach out to them?

Ans: The Bible had given an impetus for development of languages. In many regions and languages, the Bible had the distinction of being the first printed book or the first work in the written script paving the way for a revolution in learning. For those who can not read, the Bible societies prepare audio and video cassettes so that those who can not read can make use of their ears to hear the Word of God. Also the Bible societies have popularized films depicting the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Has the Bible been translated into all languages of the world?

Ans: Not yet. It is calculated that there are 6000 language groups in the world. Until December 31, 2003, the full Bible has been made available only in 414 languages. The New Testament is available in 1200 additional languages. Only a translation of one book of the Bible is accessible to people speaking 900 more languages. This means the Bible societies have a gigantic task in making available this precious book in all other languages through translations.

You must be having several translation projects on hand?

Ans: From the beginning, Bible translation has been an important task with missionaries. The United Bible Society is the second largest Bible translating agency after Wycliffe. As early as 1823,the American Bible Society sent a gift of $1,000 to William Carey to support his Scripture translation work in India. Translation work is also undertaken by regional Bible societies. For example the Bible Society of India has 72 translation projects at hand. It is a previlege to have the whole Bible in one’s own tongue. The hymn, "O for a thousand tongues to sing? will come true someday when all the translation projects bear fruit.

What are your targets for the future?

Ans: At its 1996 World Assembly, the UBS Fellowship set itself a goal that by 2010 an easily understood Bible should be available for every language with more than 500,000 speakers, a New Testament for every language with more than 250,000 speakers, and a Bible Portion for every language with more than 100,000 speakers.

The Bible societies all over the world bestow large sums of funds and so much of manpower in the task of distributing the Bible? Do you think that it is yielding good results in the form of changes in attitudes and life styles? Is the world getting better through such efforts?

Ans: The United Bible Societies, which is a fellowship of Bible societies in the various parts of the world, publishes every month a report giving an account of lives that had been touched by the reading of the word. What is more historians, psychologists and sociologists have recorded the impact of the Bible in the lives of individuals and communities from time to time.

An American educator and clergyman Francis Wayland(1796-1865) had recorded that the "truths of the Bible have the power of awakening an intense moral feeling in every human being." This has been testified even by non-Christian thinkers. The book had impacted all the domestic, civil and social relations in the life of man. When you examine history, it becomes clear that Biblical ideals had taught man to love right and hate wrong and exercise self control by keeping in check all the baleful passions. Many a struggle for freedom, equality and justice had been launched by people inspired by the Word of God which lay emphasis on these very values.