Dr Who set to Bring Children to Christ

|TOP|Worshippers are set to use the popularity of the recently-revived TV series, Dr Who, to bring 5 to 11-year-olds to Christ. The week-long holiday club, entitled ‘God’s Heroes’, will involve the Doctor travelling in time to meet Biblical characters such as Moses, David, Jonah and John the Baptist.

The curate, the Rev Tom Kennar, will dress up as the Doctor, taking his cue from the Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant incarnations of the famous time traveller.

The initiative is just one of several clubs bring run by Anglican churches in south-east Hampshire throughout the summer which aim to help children learn more about God.

Tom Kennar said: “Any child that watches Dr Who will be familiar with the idea of time travel, so they’ll understand going back in time to meet Biblical characters.

|AD|“I can’t promise there’ll be any Daleks or Cybermen, but we will be meeting some of God’s heroes of the Bible, and some genuine villains. I watched Dr Who myself in the Tom Baker era and I watch it now with my daughter, so it’s great to be able to play the part myself.”

Around 120 children are expected to participate from July 25-28.

In Ventnor, on the Isle of Wight, a party on the beach has been arranged to draw together 6 to 10-year-olds will watch puppets re-enacting Biblical stories and reveal to the children the miracles of Jesus.

Ann Caldwell, from St Catherine’s Church, the chairman of the beach party mission, said: “Because we attract some of the holidaymakers who are already on the beach, we never quite know how many children we will have.

“Last year it was 143. It’s a Churches Together event, so it’s organised by St Catherine’s, Holy Trinity, the Methodist and Baptist churches. One of the deacons from the Baptist church does clowning, and we also tell Bible stories using puppets.”

The Church has also announced that this year’s dedication service for the beach party, on July 30, is scheduled to take place on the beach or in Ventnor Park. In addition, a final family service will take place in the Methodist church.