'Dragon Age Inquisition' Trespasser DLC coming to the game: What to expect

"Dragon Age" website

"Dragon Age Inquisition" is set to receive a new downloadable content (DLC), but it's not the run-of-the-mill new content that many players have grown accustomed to.

This time around, video game developer BioWare has chosen to try something different with the final DLC they will be releasing for "Dragon Age Inquisition," and that something different is that the new content will actually be building upon what's already existing in the game.

The new DLC, known as Trespasser, will be serving as an epilogue for the game itself, according to Gamespot.

According to the game's creative director Mike Laidlaw, Trespasser will be set two years after the storyline of the main game, meaning it will explore just how much things might have changed since the conclusion of "Dragon Age Inquisition." According to Laidlaw, Trespasser will show "what it's like to be a world-saving organization when the world no longer needs saving."

As for what all that exactly means in terms of the type of content players can look forward to from the new DLC, they can expect to run into some old friends as they look to start working on eliminating what may be a new danger to the world.

Players can expect the new DLC to basically tie up all the loose ends that may have existed before as well as some other specific components of the story that will be detailed even more with the new DLC.

With the arrival of Trespasser, players will begin to learn more about the Inquisitor's Mark and they will even see the Eluvian Mirror again, according to IGN.

There will also be a currently unknown character, one whom players are already familiar with, who will be returning via Trespasser.

Players who want to get started on Trespasser will have to finish the main game first before they get the chance to start the new DLC.

Trespasser will be released Sept. 8.