'Dragon Age: Inquisition' patch update to be announced by BioWare this week


It seems like "Dragon Age: Inquisition" players will finally get the patch that they have all been waiting for. Earlier today, BioWare's executive producer Mark Darrah posted on Twitter that they may finally announce the news regarding the first patch of the game. 

According to Darrah's Twitter post, "I realize that many of you are looking for clarity on the 1st patch. The goal was Dec. 9. We will be missing that on most platforms." 

But when another Twitter user asked him if the PC edition of the game will also get the patch, the representative from BioWare confirmed that the gaming company will also include it in the planned patch. 

Also, Darrah mentioned several details about the "Dragon Age: Inquisition" patch, saying, "There are complexities to patching #DAI. Unfortunately this compressed the 1st patch to the point of slipping. There will be more patches." 

The requests for the DAI patch came after players found out that they cannot properly hear the party chatter and other conversations while playing the game. These were mentioned in several DAI-focused forums as well as a dedicated page in Reddit. The players said that while they are exploring the virtual world of "Dragon Age: Inquisition," the typical conversations that should normally be heard in the background are not present. The normal background music that blasts while a player journeys over the terrain of the game are also absent. 

Good thing Allan Schumacher, the QA analyst from BioWare, asked the players who were reporting the problems to send him a report so that he and the rest of the QA team could properly address the issues surrounding the action-packed role-playing game. 

The fourth installment of the "Dragon Age" franchise was released by Electronic Arts back in November, and it comes in PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC editions. The game earned positive reviews from players because of its amazing visuals as well as its very interesting storyline. Because of this, "Dragon Age: Inquisition" earned the Game of the Year award during the recently concluded Game Awards in Las Vegas on Friday. It also won the best role-playing game of the year.