'Dragon Age: Inquisition' DLC news: 'The Descent' expansion finally goes live

Dragon Age: Inquisition - The DescentBioware

The newest DLC for the massive online exploration RPG game "Dragon Age: Inquisition" is now available to players. 

Dubbed as "The Descent," the new expansion places players in a single-player campaign featuring a new dungeon. They will explore different areas deep below the surface to try to discover why there are mysterious earthquakes happening in the world of Thedas. 

According to the official description of "The Descent" DLC:

As the Inquisitor, players must prepare their companions for a perilous journey in the legendary Deep Roads. Darkspawn-infested caverns will challenge the Inquisition like never before. 

"Memorable new characters will shed light on ancient dwarven history and unique loot and powerful gear will be discovered on each player's path to fight and solve one of Thedas's greatest mysteries."

"The Descent" is now available for PC and current-gen platforms PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Those who have "Dragon Age: Inquisition" on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 will not be getting the DLC, as part of developer BioWare's decision to limit upcoming DLCs to current-gen platforms only. 

Meanwhile, aside from a new expansion, "Dragon Age: Inquisition" also gets a new patch that focuses on gameplay fixes and multiplayer improvements. The most noted add-on is an additional character to the multiplayer mode. Patch 9 introduces players to Pala. A dwarven warrior and member of the Silent Sisters of Orzammar, "Pala willingly chose exile to join the Inquisition in its perpetual struggle against the enemies of Thedas." 

Aside from an additional character, the new patch also fixes different issues and glitches that players have experienced while playing the multiplayer mode in the game. Improvements include adding a hot key for Salvage in multiplayer mode and fixing platform-specific graphics issues for PC users with AMD Crossfire dual GPU and Mantle.