'Dragon Age Tactics' news: Bioware producer Mark Darrah teases upcoming game

Dragon Age: Inquisition, the current game in the franchiseBioware

Bioware producer Mark Darrah recently held a poll via Twitter asking fans if they were interested in playing a "Dragon Age Tactics" game, to which the response was an overwhelming "yes."

Darrah later tweeted the results, which showcase 49 percent of the respondents said "yes" and only 22 percent said "no." Twenty-three percent of the respndents said they'd play it if it was on PC and 6 percent were interested if it would release on a mobile device such as smart phones or the PS Vita and New 3DS.

Responding to the comments, Darrah explained that the game's story would have to be a part of the established "Dragon Age" storylines but would be a spin-off instead of a proper "Dragon Age IV." In regards to gameplay, the producer confirmed it would be a turn-based tactical game similar to the "Fire Emblem" and "XCOM" games.

Darrah also stated that it may have character relationship mechanics similar to the romance mechanics in "Fire Emblem: Awakening." This would come as no surprise as romance also plays an important role in many Bioware games, such as "Dragon Age: Origins" and the "Mass Effect" trilogy.

While many find this surprising, some fans are quick to point out that "Dragon Age" as a whole has its roots in turn-based tactical combat given that the franchise had its beginnings with the "Dungeons and Dragons" license, and in particular the first "Dragon Age" game was made by the same staff that worked on "Neverwinter Nights."

"Dungeons and Dragons" is largely a pen-and-paper tabletop game that is played in turns, using polyhedral dice and a grid for combat. It is this same system that has played as an inspiration for games such as "Fire Emblem," "Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions" and "XCOM: Enemy Within."

At this point the game may not even be in development yet but Darrah's post indicates that the developers are keen on making such a project if the consumers show interest.