'Dragon Ball Super' episode 67 spoilers news 2016: Zamasu to finally meet his end; next story arc to feature new Omniverse Tournament

The upcoming episode of the highly popular anime television series, "Dragon Ball Super," is expected to showcase the end of the grueling battle between the Super Saiyan warriors and the fused form of Zamasu and Black Goku. However, there are still some questions on how that is going to be presented as there could be a number of ways that the merged God might meet his end.

"Dragon Ball Super" latest episode screenshottoei-anim.co.jp

According to the latest spoiler reports regarding the upcoming new episode, it might be possible that Zamasu could die in the hands of the all-powerful Omni-King Zeno. Reports have claimed that while the combatants are in the heat of battle, Goku may notice something in his pocket that could help them in the fight.

The item he discovers will apparently be the special button that Zeno had given him in the past which allows Goku to summon the most powerful being in the "Dragon Ball" universe anywhere and at any time. This theory is also corroborated by the recently released preview video for the upcoming episode which shows Zeno suddenly appearing in the battlefield.

A recently released summary from Japan's Jump Magazine, which was posted on Twitter, also points to this conclusion. There are, however, other theories that are circulating online which includes Future Trunks possibly landing the final blow that will end the life of the evil Zamasu.

With the end of the Future Trunks arc, reports are also claiming that the next set of episodes may involve a brand new Omniverse Tournament which will be requested by Zeno. The tournament will reportedly be a way for Goku and the other Saiyans to save Future Trunk's timeline as Zeno apparently wants to completely erase it.

"Dragon Ball Super" episode 67 titled "A New Hope In The Heart! Goodbye Trunks!" is set to air this week, Nov. 20, at 8 p.m. JST on Fuji TV.