'Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2' DB Super Pack 3 news: Players now have access to Bojack as master; new events and characters in next two months

"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" Super Pack 3 features new events and characters.YouTube/BandaiNamcoEntertaimetEurope

Bandai Namco has launched the third "Dragon Ball" Super Pack that allows gamers to use Bojack as a master. Meanwhile, new Super Pack will feature new characters and events in the next two months.

"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" has a third downloadable content (DLC), the DB Super Pack 3, which was launched last Tuesday, April 25. According to reports, the new DLC will be adding new characters, three Parallel Quests, five additional skills, four new costumes, five super souls, and a pair of new emotes.

The new characters include Goku Black Rose, Zamasu, and Bojack. In DB Super Pack 3, gamers will be able to play Bojack as a master, which means there will be new quests and new skills to explore.

Meanwhile, the DB Super Pack 3 will be providing gamers with new features over the course of three months.

Initially, new characters from the Super arcs will be introduced and a raid boss called Masked Saiyan will be revealed. Later in May, the new raid boss will be Lord Beerus, along with new siege events with Frieza, as well as more group tournaments with different characters.

In June, the new DLC will have Mira and Dragon Ball GT. More Frieza siege events will be added, along with two group tournaments and four character tournaments. The new raid boss for this month is Super Android 17.

Bandai Namco will not be giving the players of "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" a chance to rest from new characters and quests as sources reveal that the fourth Super Pack will be launched by June.

Players of "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" already have access to the third DLC if they already bought the Season Pass worth US$29.99. If not, gamers can still opt to have the DB Super Pack 3 for the price of US$7.99.

"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" is available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.