'Dreams' update: New game will let players create their own worlds

A screenshot of the upcoming sandbox video game from Media Molecule, "Dreams"Media Molecule's official website

According to Media Molecule, the developer and publisher of "Dreams," the upcoming sandbox video game for PlayStation 4 (PS4) will let players create and share their own worlds.

In an interview with The Guardian, Media Molecule's art director, Kareem Ettouney, talked about the concept of the game as well as its features. He said that the developers are hoping that "Dreams" will become a tool for people to express their creativity. Ettouney talked about how the game is inspired by the freedom children have when it comes to expressing themselves — they are not hindered by what other people say.

Media Molecule's studio director, Siobhan Reddy, emphasized that "Dreams" is all about one's senses. She said that the upcoming game is a means for people to focus on "what" shall be created, rather than "how" their art can be created.

Moreover, Ettouney said that while people may be more ready to express themselves, there is still a problem when it comes to the tools people have at their disposal. To be able to create a masterpiece digitally, one must learn complex programs first. "Dream," according to him, will let people create art without the need for mastering a complicated software. Using a PlayStation controller, players can build the world they want by sketching and what seems like an Instagram filter will make one's sketches appear dreamlike. Players will also be able to able to compose music, add functionality and of course, walk around and experience the game worlds they have created.

Everything players created in "Dreams" can be uploaded to the game's library. The upcoming game also facilitates collaboration with other players as creating a world will, more often than not, need inspiration from others' works which can be viewed in the library. Meanwhile, for players who are not interested in creating their own art, they can still enjoy "Dreams" by playing in other people's worlds.

"Dreams" is set to release sometime this year.