'Dual Verse' latest news: after disappointing 'No Man's Sky', community not rushing to support new space exploration game

'Dual Verse' Kickstarter campaign promo imagekickstarter.com / Novaquark Studio

With the overwhelmingly disappointing reviews garnered by the recently released open-universe video game "No Man's Sky," a different space simulation sandbox massively multiplayer online video game called "Dual Verse" is apparently having trouble launching due to the ongoing distrust in the gaming community.

The game itself is promising a lot of different things, but it seems like gamers are now hesitant to support it given their bad experience with Hello Games' underwhelming game "No Man's Sky."

The new game is said to be a combination of game elements from "Eve Online," "Minecraft," "Star Citizen," and "No Man's Sky." However, instead of a procedurally generation universe, the developers are using a new server technology called a Continuous Single-Shard Cluster (CSSC) which generates an environment that allows players to access the game simultaneously without the need for instancing.

The game itself also promises to give players a massive universe that will contain millions of planets to explore, mine, and to conquer. Gamers will apparently be able to full customize the world by building massive structures and even alter a planet's terrain.

"Dual Verse" is played in a first person perspective, and based on the trailer — which showcases in-game footage of the game's pre-alpha build — there are apparently countless hours of building and exploring that can be done.

The main issue with the new game, however, is that its Kickstarter campaign is having trouble reaching its target as the previous performance of "No Man's Sky" is taking its toll on the fledgling project. Novaquark Studio founder Jean-Christophe Baillie had released a statement expressing his dismay, while also assuring players that their game is not going to be another "No Man's Sky."

"This is a post-No Man's Sky era. People cannot do the same thing. There's a huge amount of distrust in the community, 'Dual Verse' won't be another 'No Man's Sky,'" Baillie assured fans.

"Dual Verse" is scheduled to be released in 2018. The game's Kickstarter campaign just recently concluded and was able to raise a total of €565,983 (USD 624,981) during its run.