'Duck Dynasty' star and sex abuse victim Jep Robertson offers advice to Duggar family

Jep Robertson was sexually abused when he was only 14 years old and he is now sharing some words of advice to the Duggar family from '19 Kids and Counting.'Jep Robertson/Twitter

"Duck Dynasty" star Jep Robertson, the youngest of the bearded clan from the A&E television series, has offered the Duggar family some words of advice that might help them cope with the issue surrounding Josh Duggar's past sexual indiscretion.

Jep earlier admitted that he was sexually abused when he was only 14 years old. He came out to speak to Entertainment Tonight days after the Duggar girls Jill and Jessa from "19 Kids and Counting" opened up about their past.

"I think we, as a family, just stuck together and prayed a lot," Jep said, quickly clarifying that he does not personally know the Duggar family. He said he also does not "really know what's in Josh's heart."

InTouch Weekly revealed Josh's child molestation past recently. It was learned that the eldest Duggar son molested four of his younger sisters and a babysitter when he was just a teenager.

For someone who suffered through the same thing, Jep said he believes that Josh's victims need to be strong and not let other people's opinions sway them. Jep admitted that the sex abuse he experienced really took its toll on him, affecting the way he looked at things.

"I was really scared of girls and just women in general, but I think God has a plan for that," he said. "At some point I think you got to get a tough skin, and no matter what anybody says about you, you just got to be like, 'We're just going to keep doing what we do.'"

His wife Jessica agreed, saying that prayer is something that will help the Duggars overcome their current issue, the same way Jep and his family did. "And I think that's what the Duggars are doing. I think they're staying close-knit and I think they'll be fine, but it'll be a long road."

Jep shared details of his abusive past in his book called "The Good, The Bad, and the Grace of God."