'Duck Dynasty' Star Sadie Robertson Strikes Back at Online Bullies: 'How Does God Look at You?'

'Duck Dynasty' star Sadie Robertson is fed up with online bullying and is encouraging people to be nicer to one another on social media.(Instagram/Sadie Robertson)

"Duck Dynasty" star Sadie Robertson is fed up with online bullying, revealing that online bullies have targeted her friends and even herself as well.

Thus, on her Instagram account (@legitsadierob), the teenage reality star decided to stand up against it once and for all. Addressing the bullies, she wrote, "How do you look at yourself, how do others look at you, [and] how does God look at you?"

Robertson said society has apparently confused the difference between the outward image of people and their actual selves. Despite being "connected" by social media, people in the world today are the most separated that they have ever been because of the hurtful comments, mean memes, and Twitter wars that some of them receive, Robertson said.

"We have taken all the human out of the screen. Instead of seeing a heart, all you are seeing is a face. Instead of seeing beauty, all you see are the things that are different in that person," she said, still addressing the online bullies. "This creates a separation between us."

For the victims of these bullies, Robertson said they should find their fulfillment in God and not on other people's approval. "If you base your confidence on your outward beauty, you will consistently be let down, because you are basing it on inconsistent things, such as compliments, filters, lighting, angles," she said. "Stop trying to find the lighting and find the beauty in your heart. If you truly want to be as beautiful on the inside as you are on the out, you have to work on the inside just as much as you work on the outside."

Robertson said people should always consider what God would think about them when He looks down from heaven. "God looks at your heart. Think about when you are at the top of a building and you look down. You just see humans. No faces, you can't pick out clothes, you can't go in detail about outer appearances, but what you can see is action," she said.

She then shared the Bible verse 1 Samuel 16:7: "Don't judge by his appearance. The LORD doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."