Duggar family news: Jessa, Derick confess to breaking family's rules on dating

Instagram/ jillmdillard

The Duggars made new revelations in the revised edition of the book "Growing Up Duggar," which was originally written by Jana, Jill, Jessa and Jinger two years ago.

Several new anecdotes were included in the new edition of the family biography published by Simon & Schuster. It comes with several never-before-shared details about the relationships between Jessa and her husband Ben Seewald as revealed on the family's official blog.

In the new version of the book, Jessa admitted that she and Ben had broken one of the strict dating rules imposed by her parents Jim Bob and Michelle before tying the knot.

"The day Ben and I started courting, we began our tradition of calling each other on the phone every night! These were such special times," the 23-year-old reality show star revealed. "We would talk about everything from how our day went, to what we had been learning from our Bible reading, and then just anything else that we wanted to talk about."

While these phone calls may not seem scandalous, Jessa's confession saying that those "calls were not "chaperoned" shocked the fans of their now defunct hit show "19 Kids and Counting."

"They were private -- just between the two of us," the mother of one revealed.

Those who followed the family's story on TLC know that the Duggars have a list of dating rules to live by. One of them is the prohibition of unchaperoned phone calls before they get married. But based on the new info dropped by Jessa in their book, she might have cheated on her parents while she and Ben were still on their courting stage.

Another unexpected confession in the book came from Jill's husband Derick Dillard, who revealed that he already dated someone else long before he courted the fourth Duggar child.

"I had had a couple of girlfriends before meeting Jill and chaperoning was new to me. But just because I had handled relationships one way in the past didn't mean I couldn't do it differently going forward," Derick shared.

This could mean that Derick experienced being more intimate with his past girlfriends before he went out with his wife. It could be a big deal for the fans of the large family from Arkansas, since they are believers of staying virgin before marriage.