Duggar family news: Pregnant Jinger treated by husband Jeremy Vuolo with Lakeside date

Jeremy and Jinger Vuolo take a selfie during their date at the Oasis at Lake Travis.(PHOTO: Instagram/Jinger Vuolo)

"Counting On" star Jinger Duggar is currently pregnant with her first baby with husband, Jeremy Vuolo. Because of this special moment in the Christian couple's lives, Vuolo is trying to make sure that his wife is happy and he recently treated her to a romantic date.

Vuolo surprised Jinger with a lakeside date at the restaurant Oasis on Lake Travis outside of Austin, Texas. Jinger was so thrilled with the surprise that she shared with her fans on Instagram (@jingervuolo) the gorgeous view from the restaurant. 

"Jeremy surprised me with a lovely date to the beautiful Oasis at Lake Travis," she wrote.

She also shared a photo of themselves sitting side by side in the restaurant and she captioned it with a smiling emoji. Meanwhile, Vuolo shared a snap of a golden lock with J&J charms attached to it on his Instagram (@jeremy_vuolo). The lock was placed on the restaurant's balcony, since it is a tradition for lovers to leave a memento on the decks so that they will always have something to remember by.

Earlier, Vuolo and Jinger shared in a TLC video that they are expecting a child together this summer. Jinger said that being pregnant is "super exciting," and she admittedly cannot believe she would be a mother soon like her sisters Jill Dillard, Jessa Seewald, and Joy-Anna Forsyth.

The couple has a hunch that their first child will be a boy, but Vuolo is hoping that they would have a little girl. "I am praying that the baby will look like, act like, talk like, be like Jinger, and so I've asked everyone else to pray as well," he said with a smile. "I was a little terror as a child, so I'm hoping that the little one will be as much like Jinger as possible."