Duggar family news: Pregnant Kendra Duggar experiencing lots of morning sickness

"Counting On" star Joseph Duggar and his wife, Kendra, might be over the moon now that they are expecting their first child - a son - this year, but Kendra recently admitted that being pregnant is quite the challenge for her.

"During my pregnancy, I've had a lot of morning sickness and I think it's slowly subsiding. But other than that, it's been good," Kendra said in a TLC video.

Joseph and Kendra Duggar are happy to be expecting a little baby boy.(PHOTO: Instagram/Joseph and Kendra Duggar)

Still, the Christian couple is focusing on the positive aspect of this journey. Kendra initially thought they were "gonna have a girl," but she was happy nonetheless that they are expecting a boy. "I'm excited about all of the little outfits you can put on him and the little bowties," she shared.

Her husband, on the other hand, had a hunch that their first child will be a boy.

"I had said that I thought we would probably have a boy, but I was still surprised that I was actually right on that," he said. "I think the thing that most excites me about having a son is that I'm going to be able to raise him up, teach him a lot of things that I do and I think that a lot of our interests will probably be similar."

They are currently planning to decorate their nursery with a blue motif, since they initially chose to play it safe with colors.

"Right now, the nursery color scheme is more greys and white, but we'll probably end up putting a little more touches of blue in there," explained Kendra. "We have not shopped for any baby clothes yet. I figured we'll do that after we found out the gender, so I guess we can start now."

When they first announced their pregnancy, Joe said that he would love for the baby to inherit Kendra's playful laugh, while Kendra prayed the baby would grow up to be "patient like Joe."