Duggar family news: Check out Jessa and Ben Seewald's new baby boy

Baby Seewald is shown his first picture as posted by his parents on the Duggar Family Blog. Jessa Seewald gave birth to her and husband Ben's first child on Thursday, Nov. 5, just a day after she celebrated her 23rd birthday.(Duggar Family Blog)

The day that Duggar family fans have been waiting for has arrived — Jessa (Duggar) and Ben Seewald welcome the new addition to the family.

"19 Kids and Counting" star Jessa gave birth last Thursday, Nov. 5, according to People. The Seewalds have kept their baby's gender a secret, but now it's been revealed that Jessa gave birth to a bouncing nine-pound and 11-inch baby boy, only a day after her Jessa's 23rd birthday.

Initially, Jessa was scheduled to give birth on Novl 1, as stated in her many updates on Instagram, but it turned out that baby boy Seewald wanted to stay longer inside his mom's womb.

Later after Jessa delivered her child in one of the Duggar homes, Duggar matriarch Michelle and patriarch Jim Bob celebrated the event and expressed how excited they were about the couple's new bundle of joy, ET Online noted.

On Friday, husband 20-year-old Ben uploaded their first family picture on the Seewald's blog as well as the official Facebook page for the upcoming "19 Kids and Counting" special "Counting On." He also added that he and his wife are doing great after the delivery.

In a new photo album containing pictures of the newborn, it was also shown that several Duggar sisters came to visit the hospital where Jessa was sent after she bled heavily from giving birth, Inquisitr reported.

Jessa and Ben have been public about their pregnancy ever since they found out. Throughout the entire pregnancy, 23-year-old Jessa has never failed to update her fans about her status.

The Seewalds will now have to take on a whole new responsibility and it's expected that their lives as new parents will be chronicled in the upcoming TLC special, which also stars Jill and husband Derick Dillard.

TLC's "Counting On" will premiere sometime in December.