Duggars in hot water for leaving gun unattended in front of children

This photo with five-year-old Josie running near an unattended shotgun landed the Duggar family in hot water.(Facebook/Duggar Family Official)

The Duggar family from 19 Kids and Counting loves taking pictures (lots and lots of them!), and they religiously share these photos on their social media accounts. But one photo taken during the latest Duggar family vacation has landed the family in hot water.

In it, five-year-old Josie can be seen running near a pond with a shotgun left unattended on the ground near her. Her brothers meanwhile are standing looking towards the lake while fishing. 

"BB gun or not it is still careless. She is only 5. My cousin had his eye shot out by one of those things," someone commented on the photo which was posted on the Duggar Family Facebook page.

"I hope whoever took picture realised it was there and some others were right there behind the camera watching for that matter. It only takes a second and an accident could happen," another person wrote.

The Duggars are huge gun enthusiasts, and the show's patriarch Jim Bob previously told Radar in an interview that bearing arms is one of their constitutional rights.

"We believe it is important for children to learn safety about guns and knives to learn how to use them properly," he said.

Living in Arkansas, Jim Bob and Michelle have raised their boys to go hunting for deer and squirrel, which the girls will later cook.

"Squirrel meat it is really good," Michelle said during the same interview, adding that "you need a lot of squirrels to feed our family."

At the time, Jim Bob and Michelle both stressed that they impose a strict gun safety rule in their house, with their guns kept in a safe place that only a few family members have access to. At the same time, those they allow to handle the guns have taken gun safety classes.