'Dynasty Warriors 9' release date news: Hack-and-slasher game expected to arrive early 2018

Screenshot from "Dynasty Warriors 9" which will arrive in early 2018.Koei Temco America

It was recently announced that the open-world hack-and-slasher game "Dynasty Warriors 9" will come out early 2018 for the PC to the excitement of fans and gamers alike.

A trailer was also dispatched by the gaming company Koei Temco to celebrate the announcement. The footage gives fans an idea of what to expect in the coming game where they can catch glimpses of the story, characters, and locations. It also boasts a new State Combo system which will allow players more flexibility when they are in the heat of battle.

According to the Koei Temco spokesperson, "Flow Attacks create move-set combos that differ depending on the enemy's position and seamlessly continue when enemies become prone, are in mid-air, or stunned. Reactive Attacks are extremely versatile and can range from counterattacks, dash attacks, assaults, to guard breaks and finish moves. Trigger Attacks are powerful moves that change an enemy's state. Attacks will change depending on the combination of buttons pressed."

The new combo system will seemingly change the way the game is played and will not just be a usual button-mashing game where players will just hack and slash their way through their opponents.

Players will go through a series of chapters where missions will unfold which they have the option to complete. These can be regular or the more difficult critical missions which vary across the regions of China. The expansive open-world maps will allow players more room to strategize especially now with the State Combo system.

Chapter names include "Suppressing the Yellow Turbans," "Confusion at the Capital," "Starting to Divide," and "The Man Who Ruled the Plains." As the story progresses through every chapter, players have the option of completing every mission, roaming freely across the field, or rushing towards the final mission objective.

"Dynasty Warriors 9" is expected to arrive early 2018 for the PC.