E3 2015: 4 most anticipated game titles

With this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo just around the corner, legions of fans and observers in the gaming community are speculating on which of the most-anticipated games would be revealed at this year's E3 event. 

Fallout 4 

Bethesda's Youtube channel

Topping the list of gaming fans around the world is the fourth installment in the hugely successful "Fallout" series. With developer Bethesda jumping the gun and confirming the upcoming title early, fans are now eagerly waiting for details surrounding it, and some have even formed their early speculations based on the teaser trailer that Bethesda released. 


Mass Effect 4

Mass Effect 4 teaserBioware

Another installment in a huge franchise, fans are also looking forward to knowing more about "Mass Effect 4." Developer Bioware has not shed any other details about the upcoming title other than saying that rather than a sequel, the fourth iteration will introduce a new story with new characters, features, and world designs. 



Last Guardian

The Last GuardianSony

When it was first shown in 2007, fans were mesmerized with the stunning graphics and the story line of this title from Team Ico. However, other than a brief appearance at the E3 2009, no other details surfaced for "Last Guardian." Rumors say that this year, Team Ico will break its silence about this project.  



Legend of Zelda Wii U

The Legend of Zelda Wii-UNintendo

The latest in Nintendo's most-known RPG series is rumored to be coming this year. Since the Wii U is Nintendo's current-gen console and "The Legend of Zelda" is one of its most successful franchises, it is rumored that the company has pulled out all the stops and redesigned the game completely. Nintendo has already said that it won't be unveiling "Zelda" at the E3, but fans are hoping that the game giant would at least provide teasers or reveal some general highlights of the title. 

This year's E3 event is scheduled from June 16 to 18 in Los Angeles, California.