Easter baptisms outside York Minster

The Archbishop of York will be thigh high in water today when he conducts Easter baptisms outside York Minster.

Eight people from local churches of different denominations will be totally immersed in a large tank of water as a public declaration of their new life as a follower of Jesus Christ.

Each of the eight will be baptised by Archbishop John Sentamu and their own church leader.

Caitlin Armstrong, a member of St Philip and St James Church, Clifton, is among those being baptised. She said Easter was an excellent opportunity to go through with the ritual.

“I’d like to get baptised because I am sure of my faith in God,” she said.

Dr Evans Muluka, a member of York Elim Pentecostal Church, will also be baptised outside York Minster.

He said: “Since my commitment to Christ as my personal saviour in 2008, I feel I should be publicly baptised to show that I am born again.”

The baptisms have been organised by One Voice York, a network of Christian churches and leaders of different denominations based in the city.

The service will be followed with a performance by a group of teenagers who have received help for their drug and alcohol addictions from Christian charity Teen Challenge.

Each of those participating have completed the Teen Challenge rehabilitation programme and want to share their message of hope through music, video and their life stories.