Preparing Your Healthy Christmas

As the winter chill descends and we tuck into our winter comfort foods, be prepared with a strategy that keeps in mind the need to keep healthy.

By adopting a sensible strategy, you can indulge in some holiday treats whilst surviving the winter months without gaining weight.

Firstly, we could keep warm by exercising everyday. A brisk 30-minute walk is the best way to keep warm, generating heat which also burns calories. In this way, it also keeps us spiritually healthy keeping our mind free from worries and stresses that the world can place on us.

Secondly, dress warmly.

It might seem easier to eat than to put on an extra coat, but ultimately, the calories we gain when eating, are far easier to preserve by keeping ourselves warm. Whilst eating is a good way of generating calories to keep you warm, help your body in this, by keeping itself warm with extra clothing, heating, and hot soups and teas!

None of the extra calories that we gain during winter months, actually need be gained if we are careful and diligent in our eating and living habits. Listen well, and enjoy the Christmas treats that too come!


100ml dry sherry, dark rum or brandy
125g each dried papaya, pineapple, mango slices and apricots, chopped
350g sultanas
100g cut mixed peel
350g glace cherries, halved
250g butter, softened
250g light soft brown sugar
5 large eggs, beaten
250g plain flour
Cheddar or Wensleydale cheese, to serve


1. Place the chosen alcohol and dried fruits, mixed peel and cherries in a large bowl, mix well, cover and leave to soak for at least 12 hours but up to 48 hours.
2. Line a 23cm/9in round tin with a double layer of greaseproof paper, then tie a thick layer of newspaper around the outside of the tin. Preheat the oven to 150C/300F/gas mark 2.

3. Cream the butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in the egg a little at a time. Fold in the flour then stir in the fruit.

4. Transfer the mixture to the prepared tin and level the surface. Cook in the centre of the oven for 2 1/2-3 hours until risen and firm to the touch, and when a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.

5. Leave to cool in the tin, then turn out and wrap in greaseproof paper and then foil. Store in a cool, dry place. Serve with chunks of Cheddar or Wensleydale cheese.

For a Golden Christmas Cake follow the above recipe and it should give the desired results after 3-4 hours!