Ecstasy debate shouldn't obscure prevention - charity

The ongoing debate on whether to downgrade ecstasy should not obscure the need for education, prevention and treatment, says George Ruston, head of Christian drugs education charity Hope UK.

His comments came as the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs met on Friday to discuss ecstasy's current class A status under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

"We must avoid getting obsessed with the legal status of ecstasy," he said. "People will carry on using ecstasy whatever its legal status.

"It is essential that the debate about classification doesn't obscure the need for education, prevention and treatment. Ecstasy is a dangerous drug that can cause tiredness, sleep problems, depression and even death. Psychological dependence can develop."

Mr Ruston warned that any downgrading of the drug should be accompanied by clear statements affirming its illegal status and potential side effects, as well as proper investment in an education and prevention programme "designed to encourage young people to make drug-free choices".

The Advisory Council will publish a report on its recommendations next year, although any final decision on the drug's reclassification will lie with Home Secretary Jacqui Smith.

A spokesman for the Home Office was quoted by the Press Association as saying that the Government had no plans to downgrade ecstasy.

"Ecstasy can and does kill unpredictably. There is no such thing as a 'safe dose'," the spokesman said. "The Government firmly believes that ecstasy should remain a Class A drug."