Edinburgh Council drops prayers from meetings

Prayers are to be replaced by a ‘Pause for Reflection’ at Edinburgh City Council meetings.

According to the BBC, the local authority will spend 10 minutes reflecting prior to meetings of the full council.

The sessions will be led by the representatives of faith groups but also community and civic organisations.

Staff, councillors and visitors will be welcome to take part in the optional meetings.

The first Pause for Reflection was held on 28 June and led by the senior pastor of Charlotte Chapel, Pastor Paul Rees.

Lord Provost Donald Wilson agreed to the change.

He told the BBC: “Scotland’s capital is a place of tolerance, fairness and diversity and I am more than proud to stand as first citizen in such a forward-looking city.

“As a council, we have a duty to respect the beliefs, opinions and interests of all our residents, which is why this review of the current prayers at full council meetings seems entirely appropriate.

“These ‘Pause for Reflection’ sessions will be genuinely inclusive, providing a time for contemplation open to all staff, councillors and visitors who would normally be attending full council meetings.”