Egypt Bans Barbaric Female Circumcision

Egypt has announced a complete ban on female circumcision, known as 'genital mutilation', following a public outcry against the practice.

Even though the practice was banned a decade ago in the country, a young girl recently died from the operation, which is still being allowed in "exceptional circumstances".

Human rights groups reacted with horror to the death of the 12-year-old girl in Upper Egypt. The doctor who carried out the operation has been arrested.

Responding to criticism, Egypt's health ministry spokesperson announced that no one in the medical field would be allowed to perform the operation in public or private establishments. The new ban will not allow the "exceptional circumstances" loophole to exist any longer.

The country's top religious authorities also expressed unequivocal support for the ban. The Grand Mufti and the head of the Coptic Church said female circumcision had no basis either in the Koran or in the Bible.

However, the practice has still taken place among Muslim as well as Christian families in Egypt and other African countries, as many believe it to be the best way to protect a girl's chastity.