Egyptian Pastors Prepare for National Training Conference

Pastors across Egypt are preparing to attend the four-day All Egypt Pastors Conference in Alexandria from 21 to 24 November, which aims to strengthen the role of pastors as Egypt continues to play a prominent role in the Middle East.

|TOP|The Conference, sponsored by Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health (RREACH), aims to impact key business, education and community leaders with the Gospel and equip local church pastors with the skills they need to be more effective in this function.

Dr. Richard, who teaches expository preaching and worldview apologetics at Dallas Theological Seminary, emphasised the underlying focus of the Conference on reaching non-believers, with “opinion leader” events taking place which aim to capture “people of influence and affluence.

‘Opinion Leaders’ in the community will hear Dr Richard talk on the foundations of a public and private more life.

Pastors have been asked to bring 50 percent non-believers to the event where Dr Richard will deliver a talk on “Successful Success”, based on the words of Jesus, who challenged people to consider the success of gaining the world but losing the soul.

Dr Richard said the organisers are adamant that the event will not be affected by the recent violence against a Coptic church after it featured a play in which a Muslim converted to Christianity. “These men are so committed,” he said. “When asked if we should consider postponing, they said absolutely not.”

Around 600 pastors from 1200 churches in Egypt are expected to gather for the event, which will feature plenary sessions based on Dr. Richard’s seven-step method for Biblical preaching, “Preparing Expository Sermons”.