'Elder Scrolls 6' or 'Skyrim 2' release date news: Best bet is late 2018 [VIDEO]

[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/ GamingBolt]

If one does the math and follows the usual release date of Bethesda for its "Elder Scrolls" franchise, the formal year to expect one should have been this year.

The last one ("Skyrim") came out in 2011 but seeing that the company did release "Elder Scrolls Online," such could be the reason why an "Elder Scrolls 6" never materialized this year. But that is if it the online game is counted as one among Bethesda's game titles.

Further adding to the debate is the fact that the company has reportedly not even touched on the game yet, per revelation by an executive from Bethesda.

But if one looks back at the interview with Pete Hines, vice president of PR and marketing of Bethesda, seemed to have indicated that there's actually an "Elder Scrolls 6" in the works. In fact he even mentioned "Skyrim 2" during that interview with the Telegraph.

So what is the real score?

The reality of it all is that Bethesda may want to appease its followers with another single-player game soon. Even though "Elders Scrolls Online" seems to have countless possibilities, the fact remains that there are ones who are not that eager to embark on a multiplayer game for one reason or another.

So with that said, it seems to be logical that there is a game coming out and the real issue here is when.

There are some who believe it will come as early as the 2018 Holidays while others believe it may not come until about 2019. So why that long?

Apparently, Bethesda wants to make it as good as possible. One can only look at "Fallout 4" where Bethesda spent some time on the game details. And the result was, of course, a pretty successful game.

With that in mind, plotting a possible a late 2018 release makes sense. But will that time allowance be enough to account for another good game?