'Elder Scrolls Online' update: Game to run at 1080p, 30 FPS for PS4 and Xbox One


Even though "Elder Scrolls Online" has been delayed for the next generation platforms, the lengthened period gives game developer ZeniMax Media sufficient time to perfect the game and prevent any issues that might result in the outcry of gamers worldwide. While waiting, enthusiasts simply have settle for some info about the upcoming offering.

Thanks to Worlds Factory, a series of queries were finally answered by the developing team ZeniMax Online.

When asked about the performance and the game's resolution that will be present in the next generation consoles, the team responded by saying, "For your first question, the targets are 30 FPS and 1080p resolution for both platforms." 

Achieving the aforementioned target in majority of games for the next generation consoles has been a challenging task for console game developers as their hands are tied due to the limited graphics and processing horsepower of the PS4 and Xbox One, irrespective of the fact that they exceed the capabilities of their previous generation counterparts by miles. 

With regard to PC gamers and the ability to use gaming controllers in the user interface menus, the developing team said, "For your second question, we're definitely looking to add controller support to the PC game, but that won't be available until after console launch."

Also, while there's an integrated voice chat feature in the game, PS4 owners have the option to plug in a keyboard on their consoles and use the text chat feature. Conversely, there are plans to put in an integrated voice chat feature for the benefit of PC and Mac owners, although that is still in the future. 

Earlier this month, Bethesda removed all the subscription charges required to play "Elder Scrolls Online," transforming the MMORPG to a free-to-play title. Gamers who want to engage in the title will only have to pay once. The new payment model will be introduced on the PC and the Mac platforms this March, while the game will be released for the PS4 and Xbox One on June 9.